"The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain-top where she is found." - Edgar Allen Poe
A FEW THINGS WE DO: Nucleic acid and drug delivery; DNA-based therapeutics and vaccine; fluid mechanics; mechanics of statistical physics of soft matter; Biosensing; pollution and recycling research; packaging engineering.
Please also follow us on Linkedin for updates of our professional activities.
2.13.2025: Congratulations to Sajad, or Dr. Moazzeni, for publication of his final paper of his long journey in our PhD program! Find the link in our Publications page. Dr. Moazzeni is happily working as a biomedical engineer at VERTEX Pharma. Please follow him on his Linkedin page.
12.16.2024: Several of our work are available as preprint now, and several more will come very soon! Please visit our publications page.
6.22.2024: Congratulations to Nandita for her publication in Advanced Therapeutics! This is the FIRST EVER in our group history that the paper was accepted AS IS without any revision. Amazing job!
8.31.2023: Congratulations to Sajad for a successful defense! Dr. Moazzeni moves on to work at Vertex Pharma. [link]
8.15.2023: Thanks to Rutgers Innovation to publicize our achievements at Nucleate! [link]
8.15.2023: Congrats to Professor Singer and Sarah for the new pub on electrospray in Nature Communications! Proud to be part of the RU-GeneOne team. [link]
5.19.2023: Team GenePods won 2 awards at the Nucleate final competition! [link]
5.12.2003: Congratulations to Dr. Emran Lallow for a strong finish of his PhD degree program! [link]
5.4.2023: Kudos to Ran and Team, our latest work on tessellated structures was published in PRL!